Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome to Perspectives on Human Communication

Here is a video of how communication can cause some awkward situations in your everyday life. The goal of the website is to teach you how to avoid these situations, and become a better communicator.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Interpersonal Communication

A process of using language and nonverbal cues to send and receive messages (between individuals) that are intended to arouse particular kinds of meanings (DeFleur, Kearney, Plax, & DeFleur, 2005).

There are a number of theories of Interpersonal Communication, including but not limited to the following.

  • Social Exchange Theory
  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory
  • Dialogic Theory
  • Social Penetration
You can learn more about these theories by following the "Key Theories" link on the left.

Intrapersonal Communication

A process, which involves communication with one’ self.
A number of theories that explain different aspects of Intrapersonal communication are as follows.
• Attribution theory
• Cognitive Dissonance theory
• Social Judgment theory
• Balance theory

Organizational Communication

The transmission of messages, through the formal and informal channels, of a relatively large, deliberately designed group, resulting in the construction of meanings that have influences on its members, both as individuals and on the group as a whole (DeFleur, Kearney, Plax, & DeFleur, 2005).

There are a number of theories that correspond to this branch of communication including the following.

  • Information Systems Approach
  • Organization Assimilation/Socialization
  • Cultural Approach

Group Communications

Is communication between a collective set of individuals working toward a common objective, interacting in a coordinated way, and that regulate their behaviour based on shared rules they mutually recognize and follow (DeFleur, Kearney, Plax, & DeFleur, 2005).

Here is a short list of theories that belong to the Group Communications branch.

  • Systems Theory
  • Rules Theory
  • Group Assesment
  • Groupthink

Mass Communications

A process by which professional communicators use media to disseminate messages widely and rapidly, arousing meanings in large and diverse audiences to influence them in various ways (DeFleur, Kearney, Plax, & DeFleur, 2005).

Here are a number of Mass Communication theories.

  • Agenda-setting theory
  • Cultivation theory
  • Spiral of Silence theory
  • Uses and Gratifications theory

Public Address/Publlic Speaking

The process by which a speaker effectively utilizes oral communication to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience.